I donate a portion of my sales to related causes. I donate to Sierra Club,,
Planned Parenthood,, DCCC, Democratic Candidates and more.
Proceeds from all Greta Thunberg images sold through Creative Action Network benefit Sunrise Movement.
Greta Thunberg t-shirts are available only at
All of my proceeds from the sale of these t-shirts go to the NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNSEL
They work hard to defend our air, water, communities, and wild places.


Artist Statement Fact: If we wear masks we can cut the corona virus spread by up to 75%. Please be compassionate and respectful towards others. Wearing a mask means that you love and respect your community members. Spread compassion not the virus. - Brooke Fischer
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Artist Statement Fact: If we wear masks we can cut the corona virus spread by up to 75%. Please be compassionate and respectful towards others. Wearing a mask means that you love and respect your community members. Spread compassion not the virus. - Brooke Fischer

Artist Statement Fact: If we wear masks we can cut the corona virus spread by up to 75%. Please be compassionate and respectful towards others. Wearing a mask means that you love and respect your community members. Spread compassion not the virus. - Brooke Fischer
Go to link